Dear guests of St. Petersburg and Moscow! The Imperial Porcelain Factory invites you to participate in a master class on porcelain painting under the guidance of leading painters. This is a unique opportunity to reveal your creative potential and feel like a real artist. Experienced painters of the plant will help you realize your wildest dreams in traditional forms of porcelain: cups, saucers, sculptural miniatures.
A master class in porcelain painting is a unique opportunity to reveal your creative potential and feel like a real artist. Experienced painters of the plant will help you realize your wildest dreams in traditional forms of porcelain: cups, saucers, sculptural miniatures.
Exhibitions, presentations, master classes in porcelain painting. Exhibition galleries feature porcelain items for contemporary interiors. The breadth and variety of collections of IFZ (from classic to avant-garde and minimalism); from collections of products created to order and available in a single copy, to popular tea and coffee sets).